Plintkort med 37 skrueklemmer, DB37 hunn, DIN-montering
Klemkort med skrueklemmer
DB37 hann- / hannkabel på 1,8m inkludert.
For DIN-skinnemontering
103 x 85 x 50 mm (B x L)
16 optoisolerede indgange, fælles stel (minus) og 16 optoisolerede udgange,
Supports a 32-bit 5 V PCI bus
16-CH isolated digital inputs
16-CH isolated digital outputs - Open-Collector
5000 VRMS optical isolation
Sink current up to 500 mA on each isolated output
OPTO16I16PCI (ADLINK"s PCI-7230) is a 32-CH isolated input and/or output cards which provide a 2,500 V optical isolation protection. The wide input range of the OPTO16I16PCI makes it easy to sense the status of external devices. The non-polarity characteristic is suitable for a wide variety of industry applications. The OPTO16I16PCI device also feature a wide output range from 5 to 35 V, which is suitable for relay driving and industrial automation applications. The OPTO16I16PCI also provide two interrupt sources on digital input channels.
Klemkort med skrueklemmer
DB37 hann- / hannkabel på 1,8m inkludert.
For DIN-skinnemontering
103 x 85 x 50 mm (B x L)
PCI 10 kanals 16 bits tæller kort og 8 kanale I/O
Supports a 32-bit 5 V PCI bus
On-board four 82C54 programmable timer/counter chips
10-CH independent 16-bit down counters
1-CH 32-bit cascaded timer
Four programmable clock sources for each timer/counter
Programmable de-bounce filter for external clock & external interrupt inputs
Slave kort til REL8OPT8PCI
Supports a 32-bit 5 V PCI bus
8-CH relay outputs on PCI-7250
8-CH isolated DI
On-board LED indicators for relay status
On-board relay driving circuits
Relay output stats read back
On-board low-pass filtering for DI
8 af de digitale udgange kan trække op til 500mA pr. kanal
32-CH optical-isolated digital input
32-CH optical-isolated digital output
Isolation Voltage: 3750 Vrms (Using external power)
Card ID: Jumper setting for multi-board identification
Open Collector: 8-channel - 500mA, Current Sinking, NPN
Open Collector: 24-channel - 100mA, Current Sinking, NPN
Supports a 32-bit 5 V PCI bus
64-CH isolated digital inputs
2500 VRMS optical isolation
Sink current up to 500 mA on each isolated output