Adlink PCIE 7248. 48 kanals TTL DAQ kort, PCI Express

Supports a 32-bit 5 V PCI Express bus
24/48/96-CH digital TTL/DTL inputs/outputs
Emulates 2 industry standard 8255 PPI (mode 0)
Support Windows 7/8 X64/X86 and Windows 2008 R2
Output port status read back
On board 8254 timer/counter chip
Programmable interrupt source
12V and 5V power supply to OPTO-22 (Direct interface with OPTO-22)

3 395  SEK
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DIO48CTC-PCI-E (ADLINK"s PCIe-7248) are high-density parallel digital I/O boards with 96/48/24 I/O channels. The header connectors are fully compatible with industry Opto-22 standard. Thus, DIO48CTC-PCI-E can utilize the Opto-22 external devices. The DIO48CTC-PCI-E devices emulate mode 0 of the industry standard 8255 programmable peripheral interface (PPI) chips. The DIO48CTC-PCI-E provides 2 PPI chips respectively. Each PPI offers three 8-bit ports: Port A, Port B and Port C. The Port C is divided into 2 nibble-wide (4-bit) ports. The DIO48CTC-PCI-E devices have programmable timer/counters. One 16-bit counter is available for event counting, while the other 32-bit timer is available for timed interrupt generation. The DIO48CTC-PCI-E devices provide multiple programmable interrupt sources from DIO channels, as well as the output of the timer.

121 x 168 mm
Ind- og udgange
48 programmerbare TTL I/O kanaler
Drivere til Windows 2000, XP, Win7 og Win8 Labview og Linux medfølger
2 x 50-polet IDC
3 stk med 2 MHz clock eller ekstern trigger