længde: 1,8 meter
SCSI-adapter, SCSI DB25 hann til 50 pins mini Centronic hann
Tri-M's R104-DIPC/104 card provides 8 opto isolated inputs and 8 relay outputs. .
The inputs and outputs are accessed through I/O memory writes. The inputs and outputs are grouped in sets of four, and the group I/O memory address is an offset from the base decode address.
Virtuel medie
Betjening PCer eller Servere over netværk
Uanhængig af PCernes Operativ System
AVE-304TR & Nbsp;
4 Port VGA Over CatX Transceiver - 4 Port AV-mottaker
AV Inngang: RJ45 x 1
AV Utgang: RJ45 x 4, VGA x 1, 3,5 mm jack x 1 LED: 2 Farget LED
Videokvalitet: Maksimal VGA Oppløsning & avstand: 2048 x 1536 ved 300m