EMC filter til intern køler. EFAE200R5 EMC exhaust filter 126 x 126, IP54
Dimension: 126,5 x 126,4mm
HP DAT tape 8GB
Archival life:30 years
Base Material: Metal Particle
Bit density: 61 kbits/inch
Capacity: 8 GB Compressed; 4 GB Native; Supported
Color: Black
Day-to-day storage temperature (Celsius): 5°C to 32°C
Drive compatibility: Storage Media Compatibility Matrix
Drive compatibility: urlhttp://www.hptapecompat.com
Long term storage temperature (Celsius): 5°C to 45°C
Magnetic coercivity: 1650 Oe
Media format: DDS/DAT
Media labeling: Non-Labeled
Operating humidity range: 5°C to 32°C, 20% to 60% RH (non-condensing)
Operating temperature range: 5°C to 32°C
Product dimensions (W x D x H): 0.59 x 3.15 x2.32 in
Quantity per Package: 1
Read speed, media: 1 MB/sec 1 MB/sec
Recording technology: DDS-2
Storage capacity maximum note: 8 GB Compressed; 4 GB Native; Supported
Storage humidity: 5°C to 45°C, 20% to 80% RH (non-condensing)
Tape length: 120m
Tape thickness: 6.5 ± 0.4
Tape width (metric): 4mmW
Warnty standard statement: Limited lifetime
Weight ( Imperial ): 0.13 lb
Weight ( Metric): 0.06 kg
Dimension: 126,5 x 126,4mm
Rest lager
Din brakett i Alu
kan brukes opp andre enheter
Husker den højeste temperatur.
Til påklæbning på strømforsyning. 39x18mm